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Complying or being the same as others, being uniform in appearance or with a societal wish or command.
‘Uniform’ always has some form of group or organizational expectation associated with it. To be uniform implies each other’s cooperation or compliance to a standard of dress/behaviour.

In a spiritual setting the issue with being uniform is the tendency towards not being authentic. While it is possible that the person who is compliant/uniform does so intentionally, there is also a risk that the expectation is mandated and not actually chosen by the person over whom the standard is applied.

The existence of religious dogma and theology implies that some part of an organization (usually the founders/leaders) have the right to impose both interpretation and rules on the organization’s members. This infers that the member is not capable of making their own decision, or that the organization has a good reason for standardization.

If the reason for being uniform in belief is loving, for example, a law/dogma is put in place to protect the poor or underprivileged, this can be good. However in many cases spiritual belief compliance is a gender oriented power-over a group, and is contrary to the belief in the basic belief of a Higher Power of Love, and the inner spirit of each human to access that Love.

The difference between the choices of human strength (blue) and the historical attitudes and “power overdomination (red) are clear, but in religious circles domination has often historically been a tradition of control.

Harmony does not mean everyone believes the same thing, it means everyone respects the other’s differences and beliefs.

See also the antonym: Domination


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