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[HidePageTitle]LISN is the acronym for the ‘Linked In Spirit Network’. (This website is LinkedInSpirit.Net)
LISN is also a verb; To LISN is different to listening.
Listening is the experience of sound, the interpretation of words, yet we know that communication is primarily non verbal.

However to LISN is to be aware of the presence of another, to welcome their spirit into a safe place, to hear from the heart not the ears, and LISNing can be done in complete silence, over distance, and without response.

LISNing is something primarily internal, where the source of love always offers connection. You can LISN to yourself with equal effect, because there is always the presence of the sublime entity/energy of the Divine available as an additional participant of all prayer, good intention or heart felt desire for the betterment of another.

The Linked In Spirit Network (LISN) combines different services for spiritual needs.

1 A safe place to interact with questions that are common for all humanity. It is a place to explore (LISN to) your own soul and the heart of others.

2 Location mapping to find others nearby who have common desire to connect spiritually, deep friendship.

3 Location mapping and organizational support for small groups, LISN_circles, councils. LISN can link a person to spiritual circles or groups who are local or in a vicinity of interest, then provide video conferencing and messaging to connect.

4 A resource center of spiritual or spirit-led offerings from the members. Such things as inspirational art, music, poetry or writing that the member found heart-felt connection to. LISN asks lots of questions, but does not try to give answers, state positions or try to change people’s beliefs.

This service is for anyone, not limited to a specific philosophy, religion or belief. LISN has features to search so people can find support that matches their needs, or to link up with other searchers to whom they can offer/receive support.

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